Jazz Warid Monthly Whatsapp, Facebook, Imo Social SMS Internet Package
As Mobilink Jazz and Warid sims are used all around Pakistan in large numbers. Therefore its the responsibility of the network provides to facilitate all the customers by making all their needs on one network. So, Jazz Monthly WhatsApp Internet Package with Facebook, IMO, and other social media accounts helps the Mobilink Network Sims users to interact and engage with their loved ones or friend and family with ease.

Internet Call SMS Packages: Telenor Snapchat Internet Monthly Package Details
Most people get in touch with their close ones with the help of Whatsapp while others also use imo for calling through using Jazz Monthly Social Bundle Package. Similarly, Facebook mbs internet data help them to meet new peoples from all around the world and make great relations with them. The monthly social internet package today. Which I am going to tell you will surely be a very low cost. As well as provide you with very high-speed access to your social media accounts. WhatsApp, IMO, and Facebook. A more exciting feature of this monthly jazz package is that it also provides you with 12000 SMS to send to any network for 30 days.
Jazz Warid Monthly Whatsapp Facebook imo Social Internet Package Details
- To subscribe to this mobilink jazz monthly internet package you have to dial the subscription number *661# and press ok
- Now wait for the service to reply and successfully process your request to subscribe to this monthly jazz internet social offer.
- A message will soon appear on your mobile screens containing. “You have successfully subscribed to Jazz Monthly Whatsapp Facebook Imo Social Package with 12000 SMS”. As well as the expiry date of your social package.
- This monthly jazz internet package price is 110 Rs. +Tax
- You get resources of 5 GB Internet Data for WhatsApp, Facebook, and imo.
- You also get 12000 SMS from this monthly jazz package.
- If you want to know the resources dial the string *661*2# to check the remaining SMS and Internet data.
- Lastly, if you want to unsubscribe from this monthly internet offer at any time you simply dial *661*4#.
- Soon you will receive the service message that you have successfully unsubscribed from the jazz monthly whatsapp package.