How To Get Mobilink Jazz Advance Balance Loan If Have Zero Account Balance?

All of us might face this issue that we are travelling so far that there is no one near you and you want to make a call or send an sms to your loved one but accidentally you do not have any balance on your sim card. So what to do in this hard time when there is no one else to help you and keep you out of this trouble? As one of the biggest and long-serving telecommunication sim networks in Pakistan Mobilink Jazz now offers its valued customers a useful solution to this problem. Yes, Mobilink Jazz Advance Balance Loan is the best option for you to get a loan advance balance in your sim when you have zero balance to make any necessary calls or send sms.

Mobilink Jazz Advance Balance Loan Method Details

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By simply dialing the offer code you will get the advance balance loan amount which can be up to Rs 200 Pkr. It totally depends on your balance usage history of the previous months. The most attractive aspect of this offer is that when you dial the subscription number it first sends you the information message that you are eligible to get xx amount loan which will be deducted from your next recharge with a balanced amount of Rs. xx + Tax.

So It did not hide anything from the customers and if the customers need a balance and they think that its an affordable price they will submit their request by confirmation. And believe me or not? You can get this loan balance up to three times at different times you want. Each time the service will tell you the exact amount you get and the amount which will be deducted from your next recharge.

How To Get Mobilink Jazz Advance Balance Loan If I Need It Now?

Those who have an active Mobilink jazz prepaid sim. They can avail of this offer at any time of the day they want. But to get your loan balance amount you must follow the steps to get it successfully.

  • First, you must dial the service number which is *112#, and press submits to submit your request.
  • Now after you submit your request you soon will get the service confirmation message. Dear customer, you are eligible to get the loan advance balance of Rs. 000 PKR which will be deducted from your next recharge. And the amount deducted will be Rs. 000 PKR. To confirm your loan reply to the message with 1. You have to press 1 to submit your request and soon the loan amount will be added to your balance.
  • Those customers who have a good recharge history. They may get up to Rs 200 PKR loan at once in their sim card balance.
  • The users can avail of this offer multiple times if they have a good history of the load balance.
  • Those who have bought a new sim card and did not recharge their account with any balance. They are not eligible for this offer.
  • The minimum loan amount balance is Rs 30 and you can get a maximum of 200 PKR only.

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