UFone UPower Apni Merzi Chala Package Details

Ufone is one of the best and long-serving mobile communication networks serving its customers throughout Pakistan. Keeping in mind the needs of its customers Ufone brings attractive offers from time to time for its sim users. Now in 2023, they introduced yet another unique and attractive new internet call sms offer package for its customers named “UPower Apni Merzi Chala“. In this offer, Ufone basically introduced three different cards with a 30 Rs, 60 Rs, and 100 Rs balance in it. Each of the cards features a different type of resource for the users. So you can now easily select your desired card which perfectly meets your needs at a very low cost. I will tell you all about the Ufone Upower Apni Merzi Chala Package Card Details and how to get your resources. So keep reading for more information you may require to sub this offer on your sims.

UFone UPower Apni Merzi Chala Package Details

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Ufone UPower Apni Merzi Chala Details

Ufone always takes care of its network sim users by introducing new low-cost internet call SMS packages from time to time. Upower is such an offer that makes all the needs of the customers whether he wants low resources or need a high bundle of minutes, internet mbs, or need a lot of SMS to contact their family and loved ones. Mainly Ufone Upower Apni Merzi Chala is three different types of cards and each of the cards has different resources for its customers. So first of all you need to know all three cards and the resources that they will provide you when you get them.

Ufone Daily Upower 30 RS. Card Details

The first mini-daily package named Daily Upower charges 30 RS. for all the resources from the available four options.

  1. In option one, you can have all-in-one resources of 200 On net Ufone and Ptcl minutes, 250 MBS internet, and 10 off-net minutes to call on all other networks. These resources are only available for 24 hours only.
  2. The second option allows you to select 1 GB of the Internet for 24 hours or one day.
  3. In the third option, the ufone sim user can get 25 Offnet minutes to call all the other sim networks in Pakistan.
  4. The fourth option offers the users a call minutes from ufone to ufone and all ptcl numbers for the next 24 hours.

How To Subscribe To Ufone Upower 30 RS Daily Card Offer

To subscribe to any of the above-said options you just need to dial *123*option (1 or 2 or 3 or 4)*Card Number# it will make your card valid for 24 hours with the selected resources you select in the option.

Ufone 2 Day Upower 60 RS. Card Details

The second card is valid for 48 hours or two days and charges you only 60 Rs for all the four option resources like in the first package.

  1. In option 1 you have all-in-one resources of 500 MBs of internet, 500 On Net Ufone and PTCL minutes, and 20 Off-net minutes valid for two days.
  2. The second option of 2 Day Upower offer allows you to get 2 GB of the Internet for two days.
  3. In option 3 you can select 50 Minutes to call on all the other networks in Pakistan.
  4. The last and fourth options allow you to get Ufone To Ufone and PTCL calls minutes valid for 48 hours.

How To Subscribe To Ufone 2 Day Upower 60 RS Card Offer

If you are a Ufone sim network user and want to get the two-day 60 RS card resources on your sim? Just dial *123* Option From 1 to 4*Card Number#. After pressing the send button the offer will be started on your number which is valid for the next 48 hours only.

Ufone Weekly Upower 100 RS Card Details

If you want to get sms, minutes, or internet for 7 days and you are a Ufone Sims Network user. Here is the best offer for you. Ufone Weekly Upower 100 Rs card allows you to select your desired resources. From the best 4 options available in this card.

  1. Option 1 allows you to get 1000 on-net minutes for a week, and 1 GB of internet for 7 days. And 25 off-net minutes to call on any other network in Pakistan.
  2. In option 2 the customer gets 3 GB of Internet valid for one week (7 Days)
  3. While if you select option 3 you can get 80 off-net minutes to call any other network in Pakistan.
  4. Option 4 allows you to get Ufone to Ufone and Ptcl call minutes for 7 days.

How To Subscribe To Ufone 7 Days Upower 100 Card Offer

If you want to get these resources for 7 days (One week) you just have to dial *123*option number*Card Number#. Press send and wait a few seconds and it will be subscribed on your sim card for the next 7 days.

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